Thursday, October 18, 2007

the saga continues

I am continuing to work on the purple baby sweater but I don't seem to have much time for it. I sat down with my boyfriend and was working away while he was watching TV but I could not stand to sit there while he flipped through the stations. The things he did chose to watch from our 500 channels was driving me crazy. Something about a bionic woman and other things that reminded me too much of daytime TV. I don't watch a bunch of TV and would like to find a show the two of us can watch together but the remote would have to be taken away from him during this "special" time. I finally gave up, put my knitting away and got up to move my summer clothes to the spare bedroom closet and my winter stuff to closet in our room. It took over a half an hour but in the end I was glad it was done. This morning it was very cold so I was especially glad it was done. I didn't have to run upstairs to get a warm outfit together. I have gone to dragging my knitting bag all over with me once again. I got quite a bit done yesterday after my son's football game, that is until I remembered I wanted a hat book then I spent my time running over to the knitting shop for a book. A successful trip none the less and now I have some more projects to do. I was thinking Christmas presents for the kids. I need to get to work.

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